Tuesday, May 4th, 2021
Free Online Event!
Register at:
Mother’s Day will soon be upon us, and this is the perfect time for sharing memories or stories of your mom (or tattling on your siblings).
Did you know the modern holiday of Mother's Day was first celebrated in 1907, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother in West Virginia? It’s true, and Anna’s long-lost fifth cousin twice-removed* Dale Jarvis, folklorist with Heritage NL, will act as host for an afternoon of sharing stories all about your mom!
This is a group storytelling event for all ages, but primarily meant as a way to preserve and share the stories of our seniors. We’re keeping our moms (and us) safe by chatting virtually on Zoom this coming Tuesday. So, register for the session, put on your kettle, and we’ll settle in for a chat and some family gossip.
An online partnership between NL Public Libraries and Heritage NL’s Intangible Cultural Heritage program.
For more information contact:
*this may or may not be true.