Thursday, June 6, 2019

Memory Mug Up at the Market - Sunday, June 9

Poster design by Graham Blair.
Have you had the opportunity to join us for a Memory Mug Up at the St. John's Farmers' Market? This weekend is your chance!

Come to the community room at the St. John's Farmers' Market for our Memory Mug Up at The Market. This is a free and informal story sharing session where people gather, have a cup of tea, and share memories. You bring a memory of growing up, organizers in partnership with vendors at the St. John’s Farmer’s Market supply the tea and local food, and everyone has a chat. Following the sessions, those who are interested can set up a time to have their stories recorded and archived by one of our story collectors. These stories will be edited into a booklet, which will be launched during the final storytelling session in March 2020. 

Heritage NL is partnering with the St. John’s Farmer’s Market, and the St. John’s Storytelling Festival to host a monthly Memory Mug Up at The Market. This Mug Up will take place the second Sunday of each month from 2-3 p.m. at the St. John’s Farmer’s Market, 245 Freshwater Road.

If you have any older photographs you would like scanned bring them along and we will scan them and provide you a digital copy!

For more information please contact Terra Barrett with the Heritage NL toll free at 1-888-739-1892 ext. 5 or email

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