Plowing under caplin for fertilizer [VA 110-32.2] 1930 International Grenfell Association photograph collection Fred Coleman Sears photographs Photo: Courtesy of The Rooms Provincial Archives. |
Caplin used on field as fertilizer [VA 14-105] 1939 Newfoundland Tourist Development Board photograph collection Gustav Anderson photograph album Photo: Courtesy of The Rooms Provincial Archives. |
Caplin used as fertilizer in garden [VA 14-106] 1939 Newfoundland Tourist Development Board photograph collection Gustav Anderson photograph album Photo: Courtesy of The Rooms Provincial Archives. |
Home Gardening, Decks Awash [vol 11, no.1, February 1982] Photo: courtesy of MUN's Digital Archives Initiative |
Gathering kelp on Back of Beach [Kenneth Nash] Jackie Nash personal photo collection Photo: courtesy of MUN's Digital Archives Initiative |
The benefits of kelp and caplin seen in a potato garden [William Snelgrove] Terra Barrett personal photo collection Photo: courtesy of Digest [vol 3, issue 1, summer 2014] |