Showing posts with label Twillingate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twillingate. Show all posts

Monday, October 3, 2022

Twillingate Masonic Lodge searching for historic photos


Twillingate Masonic Lodge is asking for the public’s help in documenting the history of their designated heritage building. 

Twillingate Lodge is collecting photos to populate a photo archive that they hope to make available to the public in 2023 or 2024.  Twillingate Masonic Temple was designated a Registered Heritage Structure by Heritage NL in 1998 due to its aesthetic, historic and cultural value.

The Lodge is looking for photos of:

  • The building at any time throughout its long history or photos of the Old Court House that was the home of Twillingate Masons from 1889 to 1907.
  • Former and current members of the lodge in their regalia at formal events. 
  • Masons participating in any community event - regalia or not.
  • Any old documents pertaining to Twillingate Lodge or of its members.

Heritage NL is assisting Twillingate Lodge in this initiative. By sharing any pictures or documents that you have, you will be helping preserve this aspect of our heritage for future generations. The public is invited to drop by the Lodge and Heritage NL staff will scan your photo or document. Originals will be returned during the event. 

When? Wednesday, October 19th

1:30 - 4:30 PM and 6:30 - 9:00 PM


For more information:

Bro. John Holwell
Secretary, Twillingate Masonic Lodge 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

People, Places, and Culture of Twillingate - a workshop to share Twillingate memories!

Wednesday, May 19th, 2021 Meeting room, Anchor Inn Hotel  Path End, Twillingate 7 pm 

Register at: 

On May 19th, residents of Twillingate will tell some tales and start to map out what their heritage means to them, with a little help from Heritage NL and its “People, Places and Culture” workshop.

The living heritage of Newfoundland and Labrador is rich and diverse. It includes historic buildings and places, accordion playing, knitting, mummers and jannies, berry picking, boat building, life on the sea,and much more. We tell stories, make clothes, build stages,split cod, and spin yarn. We have a complex knowledge of place, the seasons, and the movements and patterns of animals from moose to cod fish. If communities lose these important parts of their living heritage, they will also lose important resources that can keep their communities going culturally, economically and socially. But where does a community start?

Heritage NL will be leading a community conversation about historic places, trails, old stories, place names, traditions, and local knowledge, and need local input from people of all ages and backgrounds to help document all this  important cultural information. 

“We’ll put on the kettle, and you come with your memories of growing up and living in Twillingate,” says folklorist Dale Jarvis, Heritage NL’s Executive Director. “Your stories will help us develop a plan for safeguarding the historic places and living heritage of this important place.”

Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

Meeting room, Anchor Inn Hotel 

3 Path End, Twillingate

7 pm 

The workshop is free to attend (wear your mask, please) and will respect social distancing guidelines. The event is a partnership between Heritage NL, Grow Twillingate, and the Town of Twillingate. 

For more info contact:

Dale Jarvis, Heritage NL,

Wilma Hartmann, GrowTwillingate,

Friday, November 20, 2020

Living Heritage Podcast Ep194 Lighthouses and Lighthouse Keepers

We're all about lighthouses and lighthouse keepers this week on Living Heritage. Grab a cup of tea, and listen to tales told by Barry Porter, as well as by archival audio from Jack Roberts and Theresa Colbourne, who were both born at lighthouse stations. Plus, an archival recording of Cyril Myrick and a mystery involving the Cape Race lighthouse, plus news of a very strange phenomenon said to happen at the Long Point Light in Twillingate. 


Living Heritage is about people who are engaged in the heritage and culture sector, from museum
professionals and archivists, to tradition bearers and craftspeople - all those who keep history alive at the
community level. The show is a partnership between HeritageNL and CHMR Radio.
Theme music is Rythme Gitan by Latché Swing.

Monday, June 5, 2017

#CollectiveMemories Monday - Barry Porter, Lighthouse Keeper

In 2009, as part of a presentation to the Museum Association of NL, I did a sample oral history interview with former lighthouse keeper Barry Porter.  In this short interview, Barry discusses his life as a lighthouse keeper, where he worked, the characteristics of the lights, a typical work day, the fog horn system, and the difference between manned and unmanned lighthouses.

Listen to the interview here on Memorial University's Digital Archive Initiative.

Photo: Aerial view of Long Point Lighthouse in 1991, courtesy Canadian Coast Guard

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Folklore Photo - The Hole In the Floor and Adolphus's Wake

This week's folklore photo might not look like much, but it comes with a great story, and is a very good example of how intangible cultural heritage and our built heritage are intertwined. 

We've been working on an oral history of the Jenkins House in Durrell, Twillingate, which was owned for a portion of its history by Adolphus and Lucretia Jenkins. 

According to oral history, Lucretia contracted tuberculosis and suffered in the home for many years with the disease. She was confined to her bedroom while her daughter Leah Jenkins cared for her, surprisingly Leah never contracted the disease herself. While Lucretia was sick her husband Adolphus passed away. Adolphus was waked in the home, which was tradition at the time. Bedridden and unable to leave the upstairs of the house, Lucretia still wanted to see her husband one last time. The family decided, instead of trying to bring her downstairs they would saw a hole in the floor by the side of her bed so she could rest and still be able to see her husband, so that is what they did. Today, the cut in the floor is still recognizable by the newer boards that fill where the hole once was. 

Corey Sharpe remembers his Grandmother Leah recounting the story;
“Well, I tell you about that now. I never told anybody about it before. When father passed away, they waked him downstairs. So Lucretia was bed ridden upstairs with TB and separated from the family. She wanted to see her husband while they had him waked. So what they did, instead of bring her downstairs, they cut a hole in the floor so she could look down from her bed and see him. So the floors are to stay like that.”
You can download the full oral history report on the Jenkins House in PDF format here.

- Dale Jarvis

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Folklore Photo - Gertrude and Leah Jenkins, Twillingate, 1930s

This Tuesday in our folklore photo segment, we've got a gem from Corey Sharpe, of Grand Falls-Windsor, who owns and has restored the Jenkins House Registered Heritage Structure in Blow Me Down, Durrell, Twillingate.

The photo shows his great aunt Amelia "Gertie" Gertrude (Jenkins) Hamlyn and her sister, his grandmother, Leah (Jenkins) Sharpe, thought to have been taken sometime in the early 1930s, positioned in front of the Jenkins House.  Gertrude was born in 1919, Leah was born in 1925, and today is her 90th birthday! Happy Birthday, Leah!

You can read and listen to the interview I did with Corey about the house here.

- Dale Jarvis

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fog and Folklore in Twillingate, Newfoundland

This summer, folklorist Crystal Braye of the Wooden Boat Museum of NL and Lois Bragg of the Marine Institute are travelling around the island measuring and documenting wooden boats, and recording the work of traditional Newfoundland boatbuilders. As part of the outreach work of the museum, the ICH office is partnering with them to deliver a series of workshops on intangible cultural heritage and oral history along the way.

Yesterday was the first of our oral history workshops, held at the lighthouse in Twillingate. The workshop space was fantastic, with probably the best view of any workshop I've ever given, looking out at hundreds of icebergs and bergy bits. The workshop room was also conveniently placed above the fog horn, shown above, which punctuated our meeting as the fog rolled in and out throughout the afternoon.

We heard great stories, and local residents helped us identify a mystery woman in one of our oral history collections: broadcaster Hiram Silk had interviewed a Twillingate woman in the 1980s, but had identified her only as "Miss Anstey." We listened to the interview, and people were quick to name her as Mary Anstey, or "Aunt Polly" Anstey, to differentiate her from another Mary Anstey in the community.  You can listen to that interview with Mary "Polly" Anstey on Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Lois and Crystal are shown below, taking the lines of a wooden boat outside the lighthouse at Twillingate. They are going to be working in the Twillingate area till July, and then moving on to Trinity. If you know of boat builders or wooden boats in those areas, they would love to track them down. Drop me a line at and I'll put you in touch.  The next workshops in our series are in Trinity on July 15th and 16th. More info on those workshops here.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Folklore Photo: Masonic Temple in Twillingate

This photo is of the Masonic Temple in Twillingate, built by Joshua Roberts in 1906. Dated 1908, this photo was found while cleaning up the Heritage Foundation's heritage structure designation files. Click here if you'd like more information about the Masonic Temple in Twillingate.  -Nicole