Showing posts with label Premier Smallwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Premier Smallwood. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday Folklore Photo: Eleanor Roosevelt visits Newfoundland

A funny thing happens, from time to time, when I'm trying to find a good folklore photo. I'll start out looking for a nice archival photograph of flowers, to brighten your RDF filled afternoon, and then I end up writing about Elanor Roosevelt, isn't it just the way?

It all started with this photo:

"Mr. Roosevelt being presented with flowers"
[October 08, 1961]
Original photograph in Memorial University
 of Newfoundland Libraries,
 Archives and Special Collections Division.
 S. J. Carew Photograph Collection

And then I just couldn't stop....

Eleanor Roosevelt chats with J.R. and Clara Smallwood
[October 08, 1961]
Original photograph in Memorial University
 of Newfoundland Libraries,
 Archives and Special Collections Division.
 S. J. Carew Photograph Collection

"Premier Smallwood, Lieutenant Governor MacPherson and Eleanor Roosevelt"
[October 08, 1961]
Original photograph in Memorial University
 of Newfoundland Libraries,
 Archives and Special Collections Division.
 S. J. Carew Photograph Collection 

On October 9th, 1961, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, the widow of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and an accomplished individual in her own right, attended the opening of the new campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Lord Thomson thanks Eleanor Roosevelt after her address[October 09, 1961]
Original photograph in Memorial University
 of Newfoundland Libraries,
 Archives and Special Collections Division.
 S. J. Carew Photograph Collection 
For more information about Eleanor Roosevelt's visit to Newfoundland, visit the collection on the Memorial University of Newfoundland Digital Archives Initiative.