Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Wanted: Portuguese Arraiolos tapestry makers in Newfoundland!

Today, I got an interesting question from the lovely Sarah Nivea, originally from Brazil and now living here in St. John's, who was one of our participants in the Tales From Afar folktales project.

Sarah is working on a tapestry utilizing Newfoundland motifs in the Portuguese Arraiolos tapestry style.

Portuguese Needlework Rugs, also called Arraiolos Carpets (Tapetes de Arraiolos) or Arraiolos rugs, are a type of embroidered wool rug which were made traditionally in the small town of Arraiolos, Portugal, since the Middle Ages, and which are said to be inspired by Persian carpets.

Sarah is interested in meeting anyone in the province familiar with the techniques. She also writes, "I’d like to know where I can buy the materials because I want to make a tapestry special to NL."

Anyone with knowledge, expertise, or ideas for Sarah can send your contact info to dale@heritagenl.ca

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