Wednesday, October 18, 2017

#AdaptingHeritage Forum 2017 - Introducing Caitlin Bolduc Whelan

Caitlin Bolduc Whelan is a folklore student who grew up in the East End of St. John’s. Throughout her life, her second home is with her family in the nearby town of Placentia. Her grandfather was a natural storyteller and instilled in her an early love of legends, lore and the sea. As with many young people, Caitlin left the island but quickly returned after realizing how culturally rich and unique it was. She enjoys foraging for local food, playing music and engaging with young people. Her experience working with youth and her appetite for foodways aligned well with Fishing for Success and the missions of the organization, she has spent the last two summers working with them on the fishing stages of Petty Harbour. Caitlin hopes to narrow her work onto youth retention and cultural education, and how these two factors can contribute to sustainable community building.

At the forum, Caitlin will be participating in a panel discussion titled Heritage in the Landwash - Safeguarding Coastal Traditions where she will discuss her work with Fishing For Success. If you would like to learn more about this organization, you can listen to Kimberly Orren's Living Heritage podcast episode by clicking here.  

Forum on Adapting NL's Intangible Cultural Heritage will take place on October 25 and 26. The cost of registration is $75.00, and $18.75 for post-secondary students. For full program details click here. To register click here.

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